Getting Vehicle Finance If You Are Blacklisted or have Judgements
Getting finance for a vehicle is no easy task if you have been unfortunate enough to pick up judgements & you have subsequently been blacklisted.
In fact trying to secure credit through the usual mainstream banks and finance houses will be very difficult if you have been blacklisted - in fact it's safe to say that you probably won't have any success at all.
However what really matters is how many judgements you have listed with the ITC and how many black marks you have against your name.
Getting finance for a vehicle is no easy task if you have been unfortunate enough to pick up judgements & you have subsequently been blacklisted.
In fact trying to secure credit through the usual mainstream banks and finance houses will be very difficult if you have been blacklisted - in fact it's safe to say that you probably won't have any success at all.
However what really matters is how many judgements you have listed with the ITC and how many black marks you have against your name.